Friday the 13th (1981) Kills Analysis

I’m incredibly excited to be going over this franchise as it’s my favorite. So excited that I’ve teased the release by releasing the review and this Kill Analysis before I even finish up the Saw franchise. So if you don’t see further Friday the 13th content, this is why. I’ll be releasing the review for the sequel on the 20th of November as well as further analysis after that. The goal is to have the franchise wrapped up by the release of the Kill Comparison on Friday, January 13th, 2023.

So now that we’re pumped to look at this franchise, lets wrap up this teaser and start looking at these.

The Kills

  • Barry – Stabbed in the gut below screen.
  • Claudette – It doesn’t really show, but you can only assume she got stabbed too. I mean, she could have been strangled, she could have been just cut up, but we’re competing with Michael Myers for stabbings here, aren’t we?
  • Annie – Throat slit, and probably one of the best looking throat slits even today. If you’ve ever had a deep cut, you can feel this one.
  • Ned – Throat slit off screen.
  • Jack – The Baconator gets impaled with an arrow going through the back and out the neck. Great effect for its time and absolutely will not get used again in this franchise.
  • Marcy – Gets an axe to the face quite reminiscent to the makeup effect done in A Bay of Blood. I seem to be the only one who sees that with this kill as it’s not nearly as obvious as Marks death in Part 2, but I still get that vibe. I’ve counted similar kills as slashings even though I should have made its own category of getting killed with an ax, but for continuity sake, I’ll just count this as a slashing.
  • Brenda – Killed offscreen. We see her body later but it doesn’t really show how she was killed.
  • Steve Christy – Stabbed in the gut below screen.
  • Bill – Has a bunch of arrows in his gut and even his eye, but his throat is slit. Not sure which one actually did it but I’ll just count it as a throat slit.


Pamela Voorhees kills 9 people in Friday the 13th.

Method:Amount of Kills:
Throat slit3
Unknown cause of death1
Methods in which Pamela Voorhees killed in Friday the 13th

And this is it for Pamela Voorhees until the reboot. I’ll be adding any new kills there along with this one instead of doing separate timelines as this isn’t nearly as fleshed out in that department as Halloween. In the next analysis we’ll finally start counting Jason’s kills.

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