Happy Halloween everyone! This past month has kept me incredibly busy. I’ve put out something new for you to read on your toilets on a near daily basis and just because spooky season is over doesn’t mean it stops here. I just wanted to drop everything and let everyone know what’s in store for the month of November.
Site Updates
I try my best to not be every other bloody- disgusting, iHorror or HNN ripoff on the net. Sure, I want to share my thoughts on the genre and reviews and news stories are a great way to build a foundation of content on a fresh site, but something has to set this site apart.
I originally envisioned this website as a database akin to IMDb only instead of having your cast and crew, have it be a database for kills. I started writing the software and then put it on the back burner so that I could do this instead. I’m still doing the research for the movies for the initial project which is what the kills analysis are, but when I get to wrapping everything up it should be a lot more. Currently I’ve done all the standard boring website stuff that I set out to do so getting things written to make that a reality should be starting back up soon. I’m hoping to have somewhat of a beta up by the end of the year.
Kills Analysis
Throughout the Halloween franchise, I’ve updated how I want to present these and after doing a little marketing, they definitely haven’t done what I wanted so I’ll be trying something a little different. Over the next few days I hope you’ll see what I’m talking about when I start breaking down the Saw franchise.
I’ve gotten off to a fairly slow start with doing these, but I’ve justified it personally by again, not wanting to be another of those guys. Plus, if you look at my Terrifier 2 review, I try and go into detail without spoiling too much of the movie. I’ll save other columns for that. I’ll probably be looking to do reviews as movies come out and I am bound to miss plenty.
I thought of doing yet another Halloween Ends review (there’s bound to be a few floating around the net right now, right?) of course after doing the whole franchise’s kills I lost a bit of steam to really do the movie any justice. Although I was fairly critical of the movie in my kills analysis, I didn’t altogether hate the movie. I might watch it again in a few weeks and put down some more thoughts.
That’s going to bring me to the end of this update, look forward to more coming soon.