Saw III (2006) Kills Analysis

This will be the first entry in the series that shows there are multiple killers, but doesn’t really emphasize it. It’s likely that I’ll make a mistake in who I count here, if that’s the case don’t be afraid to leave a comment correcting me or even disagreeing. I’ll mention in every kill my justification for counting someone one way or another.

The Kills

John Kramer (Jigsaw)

  • Danica – KIAT – Jeff’s task is to reach through some frozen pipes, grab a key and release her before she is frozen to death, getting sprayed with water in a freezer. It’s already clear by this point in the movie that Jeff has zero sense of urgency so she’s turned into a human ice sculpture.
  • Judge Halden – KIAT – I probably shouldn’t count this death because I don’t think John intended for him to die in this fashion…but he did die during a trap and he is missing a huge chunk of head. So screw it.
  • Tim – KIAT – Tim’s hands are bolted in a device that’s reminiscent of a crucifix with mechanical cages around the arms legs and head that rotate one at a time threatening to twist that particular part of the body over time. To escape, Jeff needs to get a key from a glass box where the key is hung in front of a shotgun, with the wire the key is hung from connected to the trigger. Of course Jeff is slow as hell and waits until Tim is already about broken in half before he works on getting the key. To his credit, he’s fairly careful trying to get the key and would have succeeded with no one getting hurt but the judge decided it was smart to stand in front of the gun and gets shot in the head (above). By the time Jeff gets to Tim his neck is already starting to twist.

Amanda Young

  • Troy – KIAT – Troy is supposed to rip out numerous rings that are piercing through various parts of his body and walk out of the room before a nail bomb goes off. It’s later discovered that the door he was supposed to walk out of was welded shut, so he was ultimately executed instead of tested.
  • Kerry – KIAT – The point of the trap was to put her hand into acid to get a key and unlock the device. Well, she succeeded, so she lived, right? Right?? One of the calling cards of Amanda’s traps are that they are inescapable, so even though Kerry ultimately passed the test, she’s killed anyway.
  • Adam – Asphyxiated to death with a plastic bag. It’s shown in this movie that he couldn’t have escaped anyway because the key he was supposed to have been given was placed sloppily by Amanda and went down the drain, as you see the first few minutes of the first movie. John even knew about it, so why he didn’t save Adam when Adam was supposed to have lived was beyond me, but either way…he dead.
  • Lynn – KIAT? Shot?- It’s hard to count her here. She gets shot by Amanda, Jeff sees this and kills Amanda and then John, John’s heart rate monitor drops and her get gets blown up. I’m putting her as being killed in a trap because she ultimately dies because Amanda fails the test John has given her, as well as Jeff failing his test. She’s a 2fer in one. I’m counting her as Amanda’s kill though because as far as I can tell Amanda would have killed her regardless. This is a shaky one though, and I could easily be swayed.


John Kramer kills 3 people in Saw III while Amanda Young kills 4 to a total of 7 kills.

Method:John’s Kills:Amanda’s Kills:Total:
Killed in a trap336
Methods in which people were killed in Saw III.
Method:John’s Kills:Amanda’s Kills:Total:
Killed in a trap9312
Shot to death22
Methods in which people were killed in the Saw franchise
Movie Title:Kills by John Kramer:Kills by Amanda:Total kills:
Saw II77
Saw III347
Total Altogether:14418
Total kills by all killers in the Saw franchise

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